In this competition the contestant or team of contestants design a robot either wired or wireless within the specified dimensions that can operated manually. The robot that will complete the specified task in least time will be the winner.
Robot Specification:
1. Permissible weight: Maximum 06 kg (excluding off-bot power equipment e.g. batteries, adapters etc.)
2. Maximum permissible volume. Fully unfolded robot must be within the limits of 40 cm X 55 cm (l x b). There is no maximum height for a robot (dictated by the design and weight constraints).
3. Robots can have weapons such as cutters, flippers, saws, lifting devices, spinning hammers etc. Use of liquid projectiles, any kind of inflammable liquid, flame-based weapons, radio jamming devices, high power magnets or electromagnets, are not permitted.
4. Use of IC Engines is not allowed.
5. We will provide on-site power points of 230 V AC. Participating teams need to bring their own adapters/converters (with a maximum output voltage of 24 V DC) to avail AC supply.
6. In case of batteries, maximum allowed voltage is 24 V DC.
7. If robot is wired, then maximum 4.5 m length is permitted
General Rules:
1. Each team can have maximum four members. Students from different institutes can form a team.
2. Robots will be inspected for safety and reliability before being allowed to compete.
3. Disrupting opponent’s power is not allowed.
4. Arena is a 9 ft. X 6 ft. platform consisting of two ditches (a schematic diagram is illustrated herewith).
5. Organizers reserve the right to ban/disqualify any robot at any point of time, due to safety or any other reason.
6. All participants with valid Identity Card of their respective educational institutes.
7. ROBOCOMP organizing team have reserves the right to disqualify any participant who fails to adhere to the below mentioned game rules.
Game Rules:
1. The competition will be played on a knock-out basis consisting of 2 players at a time.
2. The maximum duration of each War/Fight will be 5 minutes.
3. The robot will win if the robot pushes the opponent to the ditch successfully or successfully immobilizes the opponent or out of the arena.
4. In a war, there may be a moving obstacle may appear in the area with regular interval. A robot must avoid being hit by the obstacle.
5. Match will be interrupted if crossings of wire will take place.
6. No member will be allowed to enter in the war zone without permission of coordinators.
7. The organizers reserve the rights to change any or all of the above rules as they deem fit.
8. Violation of any the above rules will lead to disqualification.
9. Judges’ decision shall be treated as final and binding on all.
In this competition the contestant or team of contestants design a robot either wired or wireless within the specified dimensions that can operated manually. The robot that will complete the specified task in least time will be the winner.
Robot Specification:
1. The maximum dimension of the robot can be 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm (l x b x h).
2. The robot may be wired or wireless.
3. AC supply will be provided in the college.
4. The length of the wire (for wired bots) should be long enough to cover the whole track and wire should remain slack during the complete run.
5. Maximum weight must not exceed 3 kg.
6. The machine must be powered electrically only. Use of IC engine is not allowed.
7. Batteries must be sealed, immobilized electrolyte type (gel cell, lithium, NiCad, or dry cells).
8. The electric voltage anywhere in the machine should not be more than 12 V DC at any point of time.
General Rules:
1. The team should not consist of more than 5 members. Students from different institutes can form a team.
2. Unethical behavior could lead to disqualification. Faculty coordinators have all the rights to take final decision for any matter during the event.
3. The decision of the judges will be final and abiding. Argument with judges in any form will lead to the disqualification of the team.
4. Robot should be as per the given specifications.
5. Each member of the team must contain an identity card.
6. The robot should not damage the arena.
7. No test practice will be allowed on the arena.
8. The robot must not leave behind any of its parts during the run; else it will result in disqualification.
9. Certificates of Participation will be given to all the teams that will participate in the event, but not to the teams which get disqualified due to disobeying any of the competition rules.
10. ROBOCOMP Organizing committee reserves the right to add or update any rule.
Game Rules:
1. The competition is based on time trail system. There will a qualifying round for each team.
2. The top 5 teams from qualifying round makes it to the final round on basis of time trials.
3. Wires should remain slack during the course of the run. Pulling the wire to aid the robot in traversing may lead to disqualification.
4. If any of the robots starts off before start up call, the counter would be restarted and the machines will get a second chance. If repeated again then team will be disqualified.
5. If the Robot crosses a checkpoint, and moves off track, then the Robot would be placed back on the previous checkpoint crossed with a penalty.
6. If the robot by any chances falls from the bridge, the robot will be kept back to the previous checkpoint crossed with a penalty.
7. Your robot must be ready when call is made for your team.
8. Team members will be allowed only three times to touch or reset their robots position during the run. However, this will lead to a time penalty and timer will not stop during this course of action.
9. The robot will be judged on basis of (in priority):- a. Time to complete the track. b. Number of checkpoints cleared.
10. Machine must not contain any pneumatic & hydraulic systems, IC engines.
11. Decisions about your robot will be taken by the organizers.
12. No team will get a second chance after completing the track with poor score.
13. The structure of the robot should not be changed during the competition
Design a wired or wireless manual robot that can play football and compete against other robots in a football match. The robots would com compete for a one-on-one against each other in a knock-out tournament.
Robot Specification:
• The robot must fit within a square the box of the following dimensions initially: Height: 30 cm. Width:30cm. Length: 30cm
• The total mass of the robot must not exceed 6 kg.
• Robots must be manually controlled. Wired or wireless remotes can be used.
• Teams using wireless robots should use multi-frequency remotes to avoid frequency interference.
• Only one member would be allowed to control the bot during the match.
• The robot should be electrically powered. The power supply must be on-board.
• The potential difference between any two points of the robot should not exceed 24V DC
• Change of battery will not be allowed during the match.
• In the case of wired bots, the wires should remain slack during the fight.
• The wires should remain insulated and all the wires coming out of the machine should be stacked as a single unit.
• Parts that could break or damage the ring or opponent's robot are not allowed.
• Use of pneumatics, hydraulics, inflammable liquids, flame weapons, glue, RF jammers, and electromagnetic systems are strictly prohibited.
• The robots should not hold or grab the ball while moving. Dribbler mechanisms can be used.
• The ball can be dribbled and hit from any part of the robot.
• Each bot must have a mechanism to hit the ball. Hydraulics should not be used for any mechanisms